Устав Международной Любительской Федерации «Универсальный бой»

  1. General part:
  2. General part:

1.1. International Amateur Federation

“Universal battle” (hereinafter referred to as the Association or UNIBO) is a public legal entity with limited civil liability, has its own name, in carrying out its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution), the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code), the Law Of the Republic of Lithuania “On Associations” (hereinafter – the Law “On Associations”), other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and this Charter.

1.2. The Association is responsible for its obligations with its property. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of its members.

1.3. The name of the Association is the International Amateur Federation “Unifight”.

1.4. The term of the Association is not limited.

1.5. The Association can be a founder and member of other legal entities.

1.6. The Association has the right to join unions of associations and leave them.

1.7. The Association has the right to join international organizations.

1.8. State and municipal institutions and officials in cases and in the manner not established by law, political parties and political organizations, other organizations and individuals are prohibited from interfering in the activities and internal affairs of the Association.

1.9. The financial year of the Association is the calendar year.

1.10. The legal form of the Association is an association.

1.11. Other concepts used in this Charter:

1.11.1. Charter – this Charter of the Association;

1.11.2. Full member – a member of the Association;

1.11.3. Associate Member – associate member of the Association;

1.11.4. Member – Full Member or Associate Member;

1.11.5. General meeting – a general meeting of the full members of the Association;

1.11.6. Code of Ethics – Code of Ethics of the Association.

  1. Goals, objectives and nature of the Association’s activities:

2.1. The goals of the association:

2.1.1. The main goal of uni -fight is to popularize the sport “universal fight”2.

1.2 Uni-fight shares the ideals and goals of the Olympic movement.

2.1.3 Uni -fight adheres to and promotes the fundamental Olympic principles set out in the Olympic Charter, the Code of Ethics of the International Olympic Committee and the World Anti-Doping Code.

2.1.4. Unifight adheres to the ethical principles of political apathy established by the International Military Sports Council (CISM).

2.1.5. Development and implementation of various measures to popularize universal combat;

2.1.6. Rallying athletes, representatives of “universal fight” sports and other persons who associate their activities with “universal fight” sports, and representing their interests in international sports federations, other institutions, bodies and organizations of various levels and / or in relationships with other third parties;

2.1.7. Striving to achieve professionalism in universal combat as a sport;

2.1.8. Satisfaction of social needs related to the development and promotion of the “Unifight” sports;

2.1.9. Promoting sports employment and activity of members of society;

2.1.10. Initiation, implementation or contribution to the implementation of environmental and other projects related to the improvement, use, adaptation of the infrastructure necessary for practicing universal combat as a sport, to the types of sports universal combat and the public interest;

2.1.11.involvement of representatives of various social groups in universal combat as a sport;

2.1.12. Support, promotion, development and popularization of universal combat as a sport in the Republic of Lithuania and abroad;

2.1.13. Organization of sports events, competitions, participation in events in the “universal fight” sports held by other organizations;

2.1.14. Attracting representatives of different age, social groups, races or genders to engage in universal combat as a sport;

2.1.15. Organization of refresher courses, seminars and other events related to universal combat as a sport that increases public interest in this sport;

2.1.16. cooperation with other Lithuanian, foreign and international organizations (sports clubs, federations, associations, unions, partnerships, leagues, etc.), as well as with individuals in order to develop universal combat as a sport;

2.1.17. implementation of projects to improve the infrastructure necessary for practicing universal combat as a sport;

2.1.18. participation in the development and implementation

The State Program of the Republic of Lithuania on Physical Culture and Sports, as well as making proposals on draft regulatory legal acts,

regulating the specifics and the infrastructure of universal combat as a sport;

2.1.19. cooperation with government institutions in the development of regulatory legal acts related to regulation of universal combat as a sport, and the formation, improvement or monitoring of the necessary infrastructure for this;

2.1.20. providing funding sources, which will develop and promote universal combat as a sport, increase the employment and interest of members of society in this sport, and properly represent

on behalf of enthusiasts of the “universal combat” sport in relations with institutions of the European Union, the Republic of Lithuania, other states and other persons.

2.2. Association objectives:

2.2.1. organization of various events in the “Unifight” sports (championships, championships, international tournaments, etc.), cultural and entertainment events and participation in them;

2.2.2. development and implementation of short-term and long-term programs for the development of universal combat as a sport;

2.2.3. carrying out, as necessary, intermediary activities in order to provide universal fight sports clubs, other public organizations in the “Unifight” sport, athletes, coaches, amateurs and enthusiasts with the opportunity to conclude cooperation agreements on favorable terms with the relevant and Lithuanian and foreign organizations; organization and popularization

2.2.4. Lithuanian and foreign organizations; organization and popularization of information, methodological events, civil and environmental projects, seminars, conferences, games, public debates and other educational programs aimed at reducing social isolation, developing and popularizing universal combat as a sport;

2.2.5. Cooperation with the media, compilation and placement of reports, recommendations, articles and publications in the press, on the Internet, on television and other places;

2.2.6. Development and implementation of projects necessary for the development of the infrastructure of universal combat as a sport;

2.2.7. Development of culture and ethics of universal combat, as a sport, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

2.2.8. Organizing trips for enthusiasts universal combat as a sport;

2.2.9. rallying of representatives of sports “Unifight” for joint work to solve the problems of legal regulation, culture and development of universal combat as a sport;

2.2.10. provision of services for rent, repair,maintenance and production of owned or leased movable property;

2.2.11. production and distribution of souvenirs and other paraphernalia;

2.2.12. implementation of advertising activities;

2.2.13. development and presentation of projects to receive funds from programs and structural funds of the European Union;

2.2.14. providing advice on the sport “Unifight” and organizing events;

2.2.15. representing the interests of Members in state bodies and institutions of all levels, in relations with other persons.

2.3. The Association operates in the following areas: sports, education (science), culture.

2.4. Activities of the Association:

2.4.1. sports activities;

2.4.2. sports, cultural,educational facilities;

2.4.3. activities for the provision of services characteristic for educational activities;

2.4.4. establishment and development of mass media;

2.4.5. organization and production of advertising;

2.4.6. ticket agency activities, printing and distribution of tickets;

2.4.7. publication of sound and musical recordings, books,

2.4.8. newspapers, magazines and other periodicals;

publishing activity;

2.4.9. Internet service activities

2.4.10. portal;

other activities in the field of information

2.4.11. services;

organization of recreation;

2.4.12. consulting activities;

2.4.13. business consulting and other

2.4.14. management activities;

other activities to provide

2.4.15. information services not elsewhere classified;

organization of conferences, meetings, congresses;

2.4.16. scientific research and applied activities in the field of social and humanities;

2.4.17. cultural, sports and recreational education;

2.4.18. reproduction and distribution souvenirs, paraphernalia;

2.4.19. production of sports equipment;

2.4.20. production of games and toys;

2.4.21. wholesale and retail trade;

2.4.22. purchase and sale, lease of real estate property;

2.4.23. representation in the media;

2.4.24. advertising;

2.4.25. management and operation of real estate

property belonging on the basis of ownership or on other grounds;

2.4.26. public relations activities

2.4.27. and communication;

marketing research and surveys public opinion;

2.4.28. other professional, scientific and technical

2.4.29. activity;

rental of other personal items and household items;

2.4.30. sports equipment rental;

2.4.31. exploitation of artistic

2.4.32. structures;

creative and artistic activities;

2.4.33. activities of sports schools and clubs;

2.4.34. outsourcing centers information services;

2.4.35. leisure activities;

2.4.36. activities of health centers;

2.4.37. tourist activities;

2.4.38. organization of entertainment events and other entertainment and entertainment activities;

2.4.39. preparatory work in the field of printing and the media;

2.4.40. other activities in the service sector;

2.4.41. activities of other affiliates not elsewhere classified.

2.5. In the process of achieving its goals, the Association has the right to:

2.5.1. to promote the goals and objectives of the Association;

2.5.2. represent and defend the common interests of Members in international sports organizations, in relations with state and municipal institutions and any third parties;

2.5.3. conclude contracts;

2.5.4. hire employees to carry out the activities provided for by the Charter;

2.5.5. announce competitions, organize exhibitions, fairs, auctions, conferences, competitions and other events;

2.5.6. organize advanced training and seminars in Lithuania and abroad for its members – managers, members, specialists;

2.5.7. organize travel for Members;

2.5.8. issue one-time publications, publish analytical reviews, help Members receive information necessary for the implementation of their activities, advertise the activities carried out by Members;

2.5.9. establish branches, representative offices of the Association in Lithuania and other countries;

2.5.10. to form permanent or temporary groups of specialists (experts, consultants) to analyze topical issues of the Association’s activities and the interests of the Members and to resolve the issues raised;

2.5.11. take part in the development and planning of state programs (laws, bylaws and other regulations) related to the formation of sports policy;

2.5.12. carry out environmental projects;

2.5.13. carry out development projects

the infrastructure of universal combat as a sport and contribute to their implementation;

2.5.14. provide rental services, design, maintenance

equipment related to the sport of “universal combat” and provide the consulting services necessary to achieve the goals of the association;

2.5.15. receive and provide assistance;

2.5.16. to assign property and funds in possession of ownership or any other rights, to ensure their fulfillment of obligations or otherwise restrict their rights to own, use and dispose of them only if this is aimed at achieving the goals of the Association’s activities established by the Charter ;

2.5.17. to form the national teams of the Republic of Lithuania in the types of sports universal combat;

2.5.18. to prepare athletes for the national teams of Lithuania;

2.5.19. coordinate and control sports activities of Lithuanian organizations, practicing types of sports universal combat;

2.5.20. organize sports competitions for universal combat and other events;

2.5.21. to ensure the development of types of sports universal combat, their material and technical base;

2.5.22. to ensure the readiness and participation in competitions of national teams in the types of sports universal combat;

2.5.23. to develop long-term programs for the development of types of sports universal combat;

2.5.24. perform other functions related to the development of types of sports universal combat;

2.5.25. perform other actions necessary for the implementation of the goals provided for by the Charter.

2.6. The Association in its activities is guided by the principles of equality and non-discrimination, the promotion of friendly relations, the safety of sports events, anti-doping, the prevention of manipulation of sports competitions, decent sports behavior, the continuity of sports activities, freedom of personal self-determination and choice, encouraging public participation in activities related to physical activity, development of professional sports, legality, fairness, rationality and honesty. The Association fully recognizes the Convention of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and WADA and its divisions as supervisory bodies for compliance with the requirements of this Convention.

2.6.1. Substances and methods listed on the WADA’s annual Prohibited Substances List are unacceptable and, if identified, will be punished in accordance with UNIFIGHT documents and procedures and in accordance with World Anti-Doping Agency regulations.

2.6.2. Competitors held under the auspices of UNIBO, or other officials or officials, may not interfere with the collection of samples for doping control purposes.

  1. Property and sources of income of the Association:

3.1. Ownership associations can belong to real estate, transport funds, equipment and other property, necessary to implement activities stipulated in its Charter.

3.2. Sources of income of the Association:

3.2.1. membership fees, membership fees and earmarked contributions;

3.2.2. state and municipal money earmarked funds (subsidies);

3.2.3. European Union funds and other financial instruments set aside to achieve the goals of the Association;

3.2.4. cash and property, free of charge

transferred by physical and legal by persons;

3.2.5. inheritance of the Association for will;

3.2.6. profits established by the Association enterprises;

3.2.7. interest of credit institutions;

3.2.8. funds received from economic and commercial activities Associations;

3.2.9. other legally acquired property.

3.3. The money received as sponsorship, as well as other money received on a non-refundable basis and other property, the Association uses for the purposes specified

the person who provided them, if such purposes were indicated by that person. The money received in this way, if there is a corresponding indication of the person who provided them, the Association is obliged to keep in a separate account, as well as to draw up an estimate of expenses, if it is provided for by legal acts, or if it is required by the person who provided the money. The Association does not have the right to accept money or other property if the person providing it gives instructions to use it for purposes other than those provided for in the Charter.

  1. Membership in the Association:

4.1. There are two categories of membership in the Association:

4.1.1. membership on the basis of which a person is considered

Full member and has rights and obligations established by the Charter

Full member;

4.1.2. membership on the basis of which a person is considered

Associate member and has rights and obligations established by the Charter

Associate member.

4.2. A person cannot be both a Full Member and an Associate Member at the same time.

4.3. Full members or Individuals and legal entities that meet the requirements established by the Charter and are accepted as Members of the corresponding category in accordance with the procedure established by the Charter can become Associate Members.

4.4. Minimum number of Full Members – 3 (three). Minimal amount

Associate members are not assigned.

  1. Full members:

5.1. Full members are persons who became Full Members before the entry into force of this Charter, as well as those who became Full Members in the manner prescribed by this Charter.

5.2. Only individuals who meet the following requirements can become active members:

5.2.1. at the age of at least 18 (eighteen) years;

5.2.2. are Associate Members and have been them continuously for at least 3 (three) months prior to the filing of an application for admission to Full Members;

5.2.3. duly and timely fulfilled their obligations to the Association;

5.2.4. are athletes, trainers, types of sports universal combat or other persons directly related to the cultivation of sports

universal fight, and have continuously carried out sports or other related activities for the last 2 (two) years before applying for admission to Full members;

5.2.5. during the last 1 (one) year before the filing of an application for admission to Full Members, by their active actions contributed to the activities of the Association;

5.2.6. during the last 1 (one) year before the moment of applying for admission to Full members were not subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Ethics;

5.2.7. submitted to the President of the Association all the documents established by this article of the Charter.

5.3. Only legal entities that meet the following requirements can become full members:

5.3.1. correlate their goals with the development and promotion of universal combat as a sport;

5.3.2. are Associate Members and have been them continuously for at least 3 (three) months prior to the filing of an application for admission to Full Members;

5.3.3. duly and timely fulfilled their obligations to the Association;

5.3.4. carry out direct activities, associated with the development and promotion of universal combat as a sport, and continuously carried out this activity during the last 2 (two) years prior to the date of filing an application for admission to Full Members;

5.3.5. during the last 1 (one) year before the filing of an application for admission to Full Members, by their active actions contributed to the activities of the Association;

5.3.6. during the last 1 (one) year prior to the filing of the application for admission to Full Members, they were not subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Code of Ethics;

5.3.7. submitted to the President of the Association all the documents established by this article of the Charter.

5.4. A person wishing to become a Full Member must apply to the President of the Association in writing with a fully completed application in the established form. Along with the application, which must set out the motives for seeking to become a Full Member, the following documents must be submitted to the President of the Association:

5.4.1. evidence confirming the compliance of the person wishing to become a Full Member, the conditions established by clause 5.2 or clause 5.3 of this Charter, depending on whether the application is submitted by an individual or a legal entity;

5.4.2. confirmation that this person accepts the jurisdiction of the Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, as established in these Articles of Association;

5.4.3. an up-to-date extended extract from the register of legal entities (applies only to legal entities);

5.4.4. list of participants (applies only to legal entities);

5.4.5. identity document

(applies only to individuals);

5.4.6. obligation to comply with the Charter, other regulations, regulations and rules of the Association.

5.5.The decision on the admission of a person who meets the requirements established by the Charter to Full Members is made by the General Meeting with the approval of the admission of the relevant person to Full Members by the Presidium of the Association.

5.6. The President of the Association, having received the application and documents specified in clause 5.4 of the Charter, makes an initial assessment of the conformity of the person wishing to become a Full Member, the requirements (conditions) established in the Charter. Having established that, in his opinion, a person wishing to become a Full Member may, in the first instance, meet the requirements (conditions) established by the Charter, the President of the Association submits the issue regarding a person wishing to become a Full Member for consideration by the Presidium of the Association.

5.7. The Presidium of the Association does not approve the admission to the Full Membership of a person who wishes to become a Full Member if, in the opinion of the Board, such a person does not meet the conditions and requirements established in the Charter. If the Presidium of the Association does not approve the admission of the relevant person to Full Members, the application of such person for admission to Full Members is not submitted to the General Meeting, and the General Meeting does not decide the issue of admitting such person to Full Members.

5.8. If the Presidium of the Association decides to approve the admission to Full Members of a person wishing to become a Full Member, the Presidium of the Association includes consideration of such person’s application for admission to Full Members on the agenda of the next General Meeting and leaves the General Meeting to decide on his admission to Full Members.

5.9. When deciding on admitting a person to Full Membership, the General Meeting has full discretion and is not obliged to take into account the opinion of the Presidium of the Association.

5.10. After acceptance by the General Meeting of the relevant person as a Full Member, such person becomes a Full Member from the moment the entrance fee is paid, but not earlier than the

next day after the General Meeting, at which the decision was made to admit the relevant person to Full Members.

5.11. In the event that the Presidium of the Association does not approve the admission of the relevant person to Full Members, or the General Meeting decides not to accept him as Full Members, such a person has the right to reapply for admission to Full Members no earlier than after 1 (one ) year from the date of adoption of the relevant decision.

  1. Associate members:

6.1. Associate members are persons who became Associate Members prior to the entry into force of this Charter, as well as those persons who became Associated Members in the manner prescribed by this Charter.

6.2. Only those

individuals who meet the following requirements:

6.2.1. At least 18 (eighteen) years old;

6.2.2. Did not act contrary to the interests of the Association;

6.2.3. Are athletes, trainers in the types of sports universal combat or in any other way directly related to the cultivation of types of sports universal combat;

6.2.4. During the last 1 (one) year prior to the filing of the application for admission to the Associate Members, have not been subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Code of Ethics;

6.2.5. Presented to the President of the Association all the documents established by this article of the Charter.

6.3. Only legal entities that meet the following requirements can become Associate Members:

6.3.1. Relate their goals to the development and promotion of universal combat as a sport;

6.3.2. Did not act contrary to the interests of the Association;

6.3.3. Properly and in a timely manner fulfilled their obligations to the Association;

6.3.4. Carry out direct activities related to the development and promotion of universal combat as a sport;

6.3.5. During the last 1 (one) year prior to the filing of the application for admission to the Associate Members, have not been subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Code of Ethics;

6.3.6. Submitted to the President of the Association all the documents established by this article of the Charter.

6.4. A person wishing to become an Associate member must apply to the President of the Association in writing with a fully completed application in the established form. Together with this statement, the following documents must be submitted to the President of the Association:

6.4.1. Evidence confirming the compliance of the person wishing to become an Associate Member, the conditions established by clause 6.2 or clause 6.3 of this Charter, depending on whether the application is submitted by an individual or a legal entity;

6.4.2. confirmation that this person accepts the jurisdiction of the Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, as established in these Articles of Association;

6.4.3. Up-to-date extended extract from the register of legal entities (applies only to legal entities);

6.4.4. List of participants (applies only to legal entities);

6.4.5. Identity document (applies only to individuals);

6.4.6. Obligation to comply with the Charter, other regulations, regulations and rules of the Association.

6.5. The decision on the admission of a person who meets the requirements established by the Charter to the Associate Members is made by the President of the Association.

6.6. When deciding on the admission of a person to Associate Members, the President of the Association has full discretionary rights.

6.7. In the event that the President of the Association does not approve the admission of the relevant person to the Associate Members, such a person has the right to re-apply for admission to the Associate Members no earlier than after 1 (one) year from the date of the relevant decision.

  1. Rights and obligations of Members:

7.1. Active Members have the following rights:

7.1.1. attend and vote at the General Meeting;

7.1.2. use the services provided by the Association;

7.1.3. elect and be elected to the Presidium of the Association;

7.1.4. get acquainted with the documents of the Association and receive information available from the Association about its activities;

7.1.5. withdraw from the Association at any time;

7.1.6. other rights established by legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and the Charter.

7.2. Associate members have all rights

Full member, with the exception of rights,

specified in clauses 7.1.1 and 7.1.3 of the Charter, as well as

other rights provided for by the Charter, which provided only to Full Members.

7.3. Duties of the Member:

7.3.1. The member is obliged in all cases to comply with the Charter, other rules, regulations, decrees and other decisions of the Association and to comply with them properly;

7.3.2. A member is obliged to take part in competitions and other events organized by the Association, taking into account the requirements for them;

7.3.3. organize sporting events and universal combat events only with compliance with the rules and requirements, established by the Association;

7.3.4. A member of the Association is obliged to the established terms and in the prescribed manner to pay membership fees;

7.3.5. is obliged not to carry out activities and refrain from actions that may harm the interests of the Association and other Members;

7.3.6. is obliged by no means and no means not to harm the reputation andthe prestige of the Association and / or universal combat as a sport;

7.3.7. is obliged not to impose property or other damage to the Association;

7.3.8. is obliged to resolve any disputes arising due to and / or in connection with the use the rules, regulations adopted by the Association and / or other documents, and / or due to and / or in connection with decisions of the authorities Associations, in Sports Arbitration only at Vilnius Commercial

an arbitration court, as established by this Charter;

7.3.9. is obliged to ensure in its activities

compliance with the requirements of legal acts

The Republic of Lithuania;

7.3.10. is obliged to show loyalty to the Association;

7.3.11. must be guided by the principles

honesty and worthy sports

behavior in promoting species

sports universal combat;

7.3.12. has other obligations established by this Statute and the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

7.4. The member is solely responsible for those sporting events and universal combat events that he organizes.

7.5. For violation of the obligations established by the Charter, the Member may be subject to measures and sanctions established by this Charter and / or other rules of the Association.

  1. Procedure and conditions for suspension of membership, withdrawal and expulsion of a Member from the Association:

8.1. A member can leave the Association at any time. An application for withdrawal from the Association, indicating the moment of withdrawal from the Association, is submitted to the President of the Association. If a Member, when submitting an application for withdrawal from the Association, does not indicate the moment of withdrawal from the Association, he is considered to have withdrawn from the Association from the date of submission of such an application to the Association.

8.2. An Associate Member loses the status of an Associate Member from the moment it becomes a Full Member.

8.3. The President of the Association may suspend the membership of an Associated Member if such an Associated Member does not fulfill its obligations, violates this Charter and / or does not participate in the activities of the Association for more than 2 (two) years in a row.

8.4. The General Meeting may suspend the membership of a Full Member if such a Full Member does not fulfill its obligations, violates this Charter and / or does not participate in the activities of the Association for more than 2 (two) years in a row. In cases where the Full Member does not fulfill its obligations and grossly violates this Charter, the membership of the Full Member may be suspended by the Presidium of the Association. In this case, the membership of the Full Member is suspended until the next General Meeting. At this General Meeting, a decision is made on the issue of prolongation or cancellation of the suspension of membership of such Full Member or his exclusion from the number of Full Members.

8.5. A member whose membership in the Association is suspended temporarily loses the rights of a Member.

8.6. In the event that a Member whose membership in the Association has been suspended, within 6 (six) months from the date of the decision to suspend his membership in the Association, does not eliminate the violations and / or consequences due to which his membership in the Association was suspended, such a Member may be expelled from the Association.

8.7. A member can be expelled from the Association if:

he within 1 (one) year does not pay membership fees or does not fulfill others by the Association;

8.7.2. violates the Charter, rules, regulations, resolutions of the Association, other decisions taken, or does not fulfill them or does it in an inappropriate manner;

8.7.3. The member inflicts significant material and / or non-material harm to the Association;

8.7.4. A Member by his actions or behavior has harmed and / or tarnished the good name of the Association, its Members and / or the image and reputation of universal combat as a sport;

8.7.5. The member ceases to be active in the field of universal combat as a sport;

8.7.6. in other cases, established by the Charter.

8.6. The decision to exclude an Associated Member from the Association is made by the Board of the Association.

8.7. The decision to exclude a Full Member from the Association is made by the General Meeting at the suggestion of the Presidium of the Association.

  1. Entry and membership fees:

8.1. The size of the admission and membership fee, as well as the procedure for its payment in the Association, is determined and changed by the General Meeting.

  1. Bodies of the Association:

9.1. The Association has the following bodies:

9.1.1. General meeting;

9.1.2. collegial governing body of the Association – the Presidium of the Association;

9.1.3. the sole governing body of the Association is the President of the Association.

9.1.4. Vice Presidents;

9.2. In accordance with the procedure established by the Charter, other bodies of the Association may be formed to perform special functions.

  1. General meeting:

10.1. The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association.

10.2. The general meeting can be regular or extraordinary.

10.3. The competence of the General Meeting includes:

10.3.1. amendments to the Charter;

10.3.2. election and recall of members of the Presidium of the Association;

10.3.3. at the suggestion of the Presidium of the Association, making payments to members of the Presidium of the Association for their work in the Presidium of the Association;

10.3.4. determination of the size of the admission and membership fees to the Association and the procedure for their payment;

10.3.5. within 4 (four) months after the end of the financial year, approval the annual report of the Association;

10.3.6. if necessary, making a decision to audit the package of annual financial reports of the Association and electing an auditor or audit company;

10.3.7. making a decision on the transformation or termination (reorganization or liquidation) of the Association;

10.3.8. admission and exclusion of Full Members of the Association;

10.3.9. making decisions on other issues within the competence of the General Meeting by the Charter and / or the Law “On Associations”.

10.4. At the general meeting, all Full Members have a casting vote. One Full Member at the General Meeting shall have 1 (one) vote.

10.5. Associate members, as well as members of the governing bodies of the Association and other bodies of the Association may attend the General Meeting without the right to vote.

10.6. The General Meeting is convened by the decision of the Presidium of the Association. The Presidium of the Association approves the place, time and agenda of the General Meeting. By decision of the Presidium, the General Meeting can be organized by electronic means of communication through video broadcasting via the Internet. By decision of the Presidium, the possibility of preliminary written voting at the General Meeting may be provided.

10.7. The Member must be notified of the convocation of the General Meeting no later than 15 (fifteen) days in advance against receipt or by sending a notice by registered mail or e-mail, and / or by announcing this in any of those specified in clause 15.2. Charter funds. Members are notified of a repeated General Meeting no later than 5 (five) days in advance. The General Meeting may be convened without observing the terms of convocation provided for by this clause of the Charter, subject to the written consent of all Full Members.

10.8. An ordinary General Meeting is convened at least once a year no later than 4 (four) months after the end of the financial year of the Association.

10.9. The Presidium of the Association has the right to convene an extraordinary General Meeting. An extraordinary General Meeting must be convened at the request of a group of at least 1/5 of the Full Members or the President of the Association. The initiators of the General Meeting shall submit to the Presidium of the Association a petition to convene the General Meeting, indicating the reasons for convening an extraordinary General Meeting, the estimated time and place of its holding, the agenda and draft decisions. The Presidium of the Association, no later than within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of a petition that meets the requirements of this clause of the Charter, must decide to convene an extraordinary General Meeting.

11.10. The General Meeting is competent if more than 1/2 of the Full Members are present. The number of Full Members present at the General Meeting is determined on the basis of data on registration for the General Meeting and data of preliminary written voting, if such a vote was held. The procedure for registration for the General Meeting is established by the Presidium of the Association.

11.11. If there is no quorum at the General Meeting, no earlier than after 10 (ten) days and no later than after 1 (one) month from the date of its holding, a repeated General Meeting should be convened, which has the right to make decisions on the agenda items of the failed Of the General Meeting, regardless of the number of Full Members present at it.

11.12. Decisions of the General Meeting, with the exception of

individual specific solutions,

provided for in the Charter are considered adopted if more votes of the Full Members participating in the voting are received “for” them than “against” (persons who abstained from voting are not counted, that is, they are considered not to have participated in the voting). Decisions on the issues specified in clauses 11.3.1 and 11.3.7 of the Charter are made by a majority of 2/3 votes of the Full Members present at the General Meeting.

11.13. The General Meeting is chaired by the President of the Association, and in his absence – by an elected Full Member present at the General Meeting or a representative of the present Full Member.

11.14. Minutes are kept at the meeting of the General Meeting. The minutes are signed by the chairman and the secretary of the General Meeting, if such has been appointed. Such minutes must be accompanied by a document confirming the registration of the Full Members who attended the General Meeting.

11.15. The decisions of the General Meeting come into force from the moment of their adoption, except for exceptions,

stipulated by this Charter and the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as those cases when the General Meeting provides for a specific moment for the decision to come into force.

  1. Presidium of the Association:

11.1. The Presidium of the Association is a collegial governing body of the Association.

11.2. The Presidium of the Association consists of 5 (five) members, which may be Full Members – individuals and individuals proposed by Full Members – legal entities, who meet the requirements established by the Charter.

11.3. Only individuals who meet the following additional requirements can be members of the Presidium of the Association:

11.3.1. at least 18 (eighteen) years old;

11.3.2. they are not subject to a ban on holding the position of a member of the Presidium of the Association;

11.3.3. they expressed their desire in writing to become members of the Presidium of the Association.

11.4. Members of the Presidium of the Association are elected for a term of 4 (four) years.

11.5. the same person cannot be elected as a member of the Presidium of the Association for more than 3 (three) terms in a row.

11.6. The term of office of the members of the Presidium of the Association expires on the day of entry into force of the decision on the election of the relevant members of the Presidium of the Association, adopted in the fourth year of cadence by the General Meeting, at which the corresponding elections of the members of the Presidium of the Association were held.

11.7. Members of the Presidium of the Association are elected by the General Meeting in the manner prescribed by the Charter.

11.8. At the election of members of the Presidium of the Association

Each Full Member present at the General Meeting has as many votes as the members of the Presidium of the Association are elected, however, only one vote can be cast for one candidate. In the first round of elections, the members elected to the Presidium of the Association are those candidates who have gained an absolute majority of votes.

Full members who voted at the General Meeting, i.e. not less than 50% +1. In the event that in the first round of elections all the members of the Presidium of the Association are not elected, a second round of elections is held, in which all remaining candidates take part. In the second round of elections, each Full Member present at the General Meeting shall have as many votes as there are vacancies

positions of the members of the Presidium of the Association after the first round of elections, however, only one vote can be cast for one candidate. In the second round of elections, the elected members of the Presidium of the Association are those candidates who have gained a simple majority of votes at the General Meeting of Full Members, i.e. the largest number of votes. If several candidates have received the same number of votes, an additional vote is taken for such candidates, in which each Full Member present at the General Meeting has one vote, and the candidates who have received the largest number of votes are considered elected. Such additional voting shall not take place if all candidates who received an equal number of votes were elected by the members of the Presidium of the Association or if all of them were not elected.

In the event that the number of candidates to the Presidium of the Association is less than the number of members of the Presidium of the Association established by the Charter, the Presidium of the Association is considered competent and can perform its functions if at least 3 (three) persons have been elected to the Presidium of the Association.

11.10. A member of the Presidium of the Association is obliged to:

11.10.1. in all cases, comply with the Charter, rules, regulations, resolutions and other decisions of the Association and properly implement them;

11.10.2. attend meetings of the Presidium of the Association;

11.10.3. not to carry out activities and refrain from actions that may harm the interests of the Association or cause damage to the Association;

11.10.4. do not harm the reputation and image of the Association and / or universal combat as a sport in any way and means;

11.10.5. show loyalty to


11.10.6. perform other duties,

established by the Charter and / or legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

11.11. The Presidium of the Association elects the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association from among its members.

11.12. Chairman of the Presidium of the Association

organizes and presides over the meetings of the Association Presidium. In the event that the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association does not

attends the meeting of the Presidium

Association, at a meeting of the Presidium

The Association is chaired by another member of the Presidium of the Association, appointed

By the Presidium of the Association.

11.13. The form of activity of the Association Presidium is a meeting of the Association Presidium. A meeting of the Presidium of the Association is competent if more than half of the elected members of the Presidium of the Association are present.

11.14. The decisions of the Presidium of the Association are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Presidium of the Association present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association has a casting vote.

11.15. The decisions of the Presidium of the Association come into force from the moment of their adoption, except for cases when the Presidium of the Association provides for a specific moment of entry into force of the decision.

11.16. Meetings of the Presidium of the Association

are logged. The minutes of the meetings of the Presidium of the Association are signed by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting of the Presidium of the Association, if one has been appointed.

11.17. The President of the Association has the right to attend meetings of the Presidium of the Association.

11.18. The Presidium of the Association acts in accordance with the regulations on the activities of the Presidium of the Association approved by it, which cannot contradict the Charter.

11.19. Meetings of the Presidium of the Association must be convened at least once every 12 (twelve) calendar months. The meetings of the Presidium of the Association are convened by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association or the President of the Association on his own initiative.

11.20. Association Presidium:

11.20.1. appoints and recalls the President of the Association, approves the terms of his employment contract, if an employment contract is concluded with the President of the Association;

11.20.2. approves the regulations on the work of the President of the Association;

11.20.3. convene the General Meeting and draw up its agenda;

11.20.4. makes decisions on the formation of other bodies of the Association, appoints and recalls members of other bodies of the Association and their chairmen, approves regulations on the activities of such bodies;

11.20.5. makes decisions on the formation of national teams by types of sports universal combat, the appointment and dismissal of coaches;

11.20.6. approves the Code of Ethics;

11.20.7. approves the Regulations on sports competitions by types of universal combat, other rules, regulations and other documents, the approval of which is not within the competence of other bodies of the Association;

12.20.8. ensures proper application

Of the Charter and takes the measures necessary for the application of the Charter;

12.20.9. decides to establish other

legal entities, about participation in them and / or entry into other unions and / or organizations;

12.20.10. makes decisions on the establishment of branches and representative offices of the Association;

12.20.11. appoints delegates to represent on behalf of the Association at meetings

(conferences) participants (delegates)

other organizations to which the Association is a member, when in accordance with

the charter of such organizations requires the appointment of these delegates;

12.20.12. approves the annual activity program of the Association;

12.20.13. approves the strategy of the Association;

12.20.14. Confirms the Vice-Presidents proposed by the President.

12.20.15. approves the budget of the Association;

12.20.16. makes decisions on the development of the symbols of the Association and determining the procedure for its use;

12.20.17. makes decisions on the conclusion of transactions on

alienated / sale, lease, mortgage, exchange of property, the value of which exceeds 1/5 of the value of the property of the Association;

12.20.18. At the suggestion of the President of the Association, makes a decision to change the location of the Association;

12.20.19. analyzes the results of the Association’s activities, the use of financial resources, data from tax inspections and audits, inventories and other accounting of values ​​and submits proposals or mandatory instructions on these issues to the President of the Association;

12.20.20. At the suggestion of the President of the Association, approves the organizational structure of the administration of the Association, approves the size of the salaries of the staff of the administration;

12.20.21. implements the decisions of the General Meeting;

12.20.22. together with the President of the Association, represents on behalf of the Association in addressing issues of regional development, development of sports and the formation of infrastructure at the state and municipal level;

12.20.23. Makes decisions on participation in projects of various levels to receive material assistance and on cooperation with other legal entities;

12.20.24. Has the right, at its discretion, to submit to the General Meeting for consideration the issues referred to the competence of the Presidium of the Association;

12.20.25. Resolves other issues established by the Charter and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, attributed to the competence of the Presidium of the Association, and also makes decisions on issues not attributed to the competence of other bodies of the Association.

11.21. A member of the Presidium of the Association loses his powers in the event of his withdrawal, death or resignation from the Presidium of the Association or upon the expiration of his term of office, if he is not appointed to the Presidium of the Association for a new term.

11.22. A member of the Presidium of the Association may resign from his position before the expiration of his term of office, notifying the Presidium of the Association and the President of the Association in writing no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days in advance.

11.23. A member of the Presidium of the Association may be recalled from the members of the Presidium of the Association before the expiration of his term due to a constant violation of this Charter or serious misconduct in relation to the Association, the goals and basic principles of its activities, as well as due to constant or serious violations of the duties of a member of the Presidium of the Association.

11.24. If a member of the Presidium of the Association loses his powers before the expiration of the term for which he was appointed, a new member of the Presidium of the Association is elected in his place for the remainder of the term of office of the Presidium of the Association.

11.25. At the end of the term of office of the members of the Presidium of the Association, the members of the Presidium of the Association continue to perform their duties until the election of the members of the Presidium of the Association for a new term.

  1. President of the Association:

12.1 The President of the Association is the sole governing body of the Association. The President of the Association is appointed by the Presidium of the Association for a period of 4 (four) years. One and the same person can hold the office of President of the Association for no more than 3 (three) consecutive terms.

12.2. Candidates for the President of the Association who meet the requirements established by this Charter have the right to nominate Full members and members of the Presidium of the Association.

13.3. Only those persons who meet the following requirements can be the President of the Association:

13.3.1. are individuals

13.3.2. at least 18 (eighteen) years old;

13.3.3. they are not subject to a ban on holding the office of President of the Association;

13.3.4. they expressed their desire in writing to become the President of the Association.

13.4. An employment contract can be concluded with the President of the Association.

13.5. If the President of the Association is unable to fulfill his duties or in the absence of an appointed President of the Association, his functions during the period when the President of the Association cannot perform his duties, or until the appointment of the President of the Association, is temporarily performed by another person appointed by the Presidium of the Association.

13.6. Association President:

13.6.1. represents on behalf of the Association in relations with public authorities and management, other persons;

13.6.2. concludes transactions on behalf of the Association;

13.6.3. manages, uses and disposes of the funds and property of the Association;

13.6.4. opens accounts in credit institutions in the name of the Association;

13.6.5. carries out the decisions and orders of the General meetings and the Presidium of the Association, controls their implementation;

13.6.6. manages the daily activities of the Association, issues orders on various issues of the activities of the Association;

13.6.7. hires and fires employees

Associations, concludes employment contracts with them;

13.6.8. Proposes to the Presidium nominations for Vice President (s);

13.6.9. decides organizational, economic, social and financial issues of the Association, taking into account the restrictions established in the Charter;

13.6.10. provides information on activities

The Association in the course of realizing the objectives of the activities set forth in the Charter;

13.6.11. submits to the Presidium of the Association documents related to the activities of the Association;

13.6.12. presides over the General Meeting;

13.6.13. analyzes the activities of the Association, the use of financial resources;

13.6.14. processes the correspondence of the Association;

13.6.15. organization and supervision of the work of the administration of the Association;

13.6.16. strives and takes actions that contribute to the implementation of the goals and strategic policy of the Association;

13.6.17. within its competence, ensures the effective functioning of the bodies of the Association;

6/13/18. makes decisions on the admission of persons to Associate members and expulsion from the number of Associate members;

6/13/19. solves other issues assigned to him

legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and / or this Charter, and also performs other functions that are not attributed to the competence of other bodies of the Association and, by their nature, are within the competence of the sole management bodies.

13.7. The President of the Association is also responsible for:

13.7.1. preparation and submission of a package of annual financial reports and a report on the activities of the Association together with an audit report (in cases of audit of financial statements) or preparation and submission of an annual report to the manager of the Register of Legal Entities and the General Meeting;

13.7.2. submission of the data specified in Article 2.66 of the Civil Code to the Register of Legal Entities;

13.7.3. placement of a package of annual financial reports and reports on the activities of the Association together with the auditor’s report (in cases auditing financial statements) or the annual report on the website of the Association, if available;

13.7.4. providing third parties with access to package of annual financial statements, report on

activities of the Association and audit conclusion (in cases of audit financial statements) or the annual report on location of the Association;

13.7.5. publication of public information;

13.7.6. organization of volunteer activities in

the procedure established by the law of the Lithuanian

Republic “0 volunteering”;

13.7.7. organization of accounting in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “0 accounting”;

13.7.8. notifying Members of significant events that are important for the activities of the Association;

13.7.9. registration of members of the Association;

13.7.10. proper performance of other duties of the President of the Association stipulated by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and / or this Charter.

13.8. The President of the Association is obliged:

13.8.1. properly perform their duties

13.8.2. in all cases, comply with the Charter, rules, regulations, resolutions and other decisions of the Association and properly implement them;

13.8.3. not to carry out activities and refrain from actions that may harm the interests of the Association or cause damage to the Association;

13.8.4. do not harm the reputation and image of the Association and / or universal combat as a sport in any way and means;

13.8.5. show loyalty to the Association;

13.8.6. fulfill other obligations established by the Charter and / or legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

13.9. If the President of the Association loses his powers before the expiration of the term for which he was appointed, the new President of the Association is elected to replace the President of the Association who has lost his powers for the remainder of his term.

13.10. The President of the Association loses his powers in the event of his recall, death or resignation from the office of the President of the Association or upon the expiration of his term of office, if he is not appointed by the President of the Association for a new term.

13.11. The President of the Association may be recalled from his position as President of the Association before the expiration of his term due to constant violation of this Charter or serious misconduct in relation to the Association, the goals and basic principles of its activities, due to constant or serious violations of the duties of the President of the Association, as well as on other grounds. established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

13.12. After the expiration of the term of office of the President of the Association, the President of the Association continues to perform his duties until the appointment of the President of the Association for a new term.

  1. Vice-presidents, the procedure for their appointment and powers

13.1 The Presidium shall, from among the candidates nominated by the President, elect Vice Presidents until the end of the President’s term. The number of vice presidents is not limited.

14.2 Candidates for the position of the relevant Vice President are nominated by the President.

14.3 Each Vice President is elected separately. The candidate who receives the largest number of votes is considered elected. If the two candidates with the largest number of votes received the same number of votes, they shall be re-voted against.

14.4 Vice-presidents perform the functions assigned to them by the President.

14.5 Vice Presidents may receive remuneration for their activities.

  1. Arbitration:

15.1 The Association recognizes Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court.

15.2 Association, Members, Athletes and Coaches

sport “universal fight”, other persons participating in universal combat as a sport, any disputes arising from and / or in connection with the application of the rules, regulations, regulations and / or other documents adopted by the Association, and / or due to and / or in connection with the decisions of the bodies of the Association, decide only in Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, in which disputes are resolved without going to a court of general competence, unless the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania prohibit the consideration of the relevant dispute in arbitration or the relevant rules, adopted by the Association, provide for the possibility of resolving a specific dispute in a court of general competence.

15.3 An appeal against the final decision of the body of the Association may be submitted to the Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court within 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the corresponding decision, but only if all internal procedures, means and possibilities have been exhausted resolution of disputes, in accordance with the adopted by the Association and applicable rules, regulations, regulations and / or other documents.

15.4 Filing an appeal to the Sports Arbitration Court at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court does not suspend the validity and / or execution of the appealed decision of the Association body, unless such a decision is made by the relevant body of the Association or the Sports Arbitration Court at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court.

14.5. Sports Arbitration will consider disputes in accordance with the rules of court procedures for Sports Arbitration at the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court. Place of Arbitration – Vilnius, Lithuania. The Lithuanian language will be used in the arbitration.

  1. The order of submission of documents, publication Association announcements and notifications:

15.1. The procedure for providing the Members with documents and other information about the activities of the Association shall be established by the Presidium of the Association.

15.2. Notices of the Association, which must be promulgated in accordance with the current legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, shall be published in an electronic information publication published by the manager of the Register of Legal Entities and / or on the website of the Association, taking into account the requirements, procedure and terms established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. Of the Republic and this Charter.

  1. The procedure for the establishment and termination of the activities of branches and representative offices:

16.1. The branch or representative office of the Association is a structural subdivision of the Association, has a separate location and governing bodies. The structural unit is not a legal entity. The number of structural divisions of the Association is not limited.

16.2. Structural division of the Association

establishes or liquidates the governing body of the Association – the Presidium of the Association.

16.3. Structural division of the Association

allowed to have an account. The property of the structural unit is accounted for in the financial statements of the Association.

16.4. The rights of the structural unit of the Association and

its relationship with the governing bodies of the Association is determined by the Civil Code.

  1. Procedure for the use of funds and income Association, control of the activities of the Association:

17.1. At the end of the financial year, if necessary, in order to check the package of annual financial reports of the Association, the General Meeting may decide to conduct an audit and select an audit company or auditor of appropriate qualifications and competence.

17.2. The President of the Association shall sign the agreement with the audit company or auditor on behalf of the Association. The audit company or auditor is paid remuneration for the work performed. The amount of remuneration is determined by the decision of the General Meeting.

18.3. Auditing company or auditor:

18.3.1. checks the package of annual financial statements of the Association and all related documents;

18.3.2. informs the governing bodies of the Association about the revealed violations;

18.3.3. during the audit of the package of annual financial

reports of the Association has the right, if necessary, to involve expert consultants;

18.3.4. In accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, is responsible

for concealing shortcomings in the activities of the Association.

18.4. The audit company or auditor is accountable to the General Meeting.

  1. Procedure for amendments to the Charter and change

location of the Association:

19.1. The change of location of the Association is carried out by the decision of the Presidium of the Association at the suggestion of the President of the Association.

19.2. Amendments to the Charter are carried out according to

the decision of the General Meeting adopted

by a majority of votes of at least 2/3 of votes

Full members attending General meeting. The new edition of the Charter enters in force from the date of its registration in the Register of Legal Entities.

19.3. The new version of the Charter is signed by a person authorized by the General Meeting, and in his absence – the President of the Association.

  1. Final Provisions:

20.1. Issues not regulated by this Charter are resolved in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

Date of signing the Charter: 15-06-2021;

Authorized person:

(name, surname, signature)

Azer Hasanov

President FIAU